2016 NYSAAA Hall of Fame Closing Remarks
Dr. Howard Meyer
Good Afternoon Everyone
It is with a great sense of Pride and Pleasure that I present closing remarks on behalf of our 2016 Hall of Fame Inductees. Every once in a while rare and remarkable people come along, whose leadership and commitment to excellence in athletic administration plays a major role in the lives of all those they touch. Our Hall of Famers are those people.
We are honored to be standing here today to be inducted into the third class of the Triple A Hall of Fame. We sincerely thank you and we will cherish this moment.
The Hall of Fame selection process is a very well thought out and precise three-step process:
- – Nominees are screened by the Hall of Fame Committee.
- – Those that move forward are reviewed by an Anonymous rating committee, and
- – Those selected are moved ahead to the Executive Board who make the final determination.
We all think It might have been easier to be inducted into Cooperstown.
I really enjoyed writing these remarks because it made me think a great deal about Triple A. When and Where we started, and the many people who helped us along the way.
I thought about the previous twenty-two inductees who led by example and set the bar for all of us to be measured by. I wish everybody here could have had the fortunate opportunity of working closely with each of these recipients.
A Little History lesson:
From Liverpool to Saratoga Springs is just 134 miles and just think it only took us 35 years to get here. In 1981 a handful of wise Athletic Directors held a meeting because they clearly saw a need for an Association that would be devoted to the professional growth and development of athletic administrators in New York State. They envisioned an organization that would enhance their members’ expertise while helping them achieve exceptional results in their athletic programs.
At the beginning of Triple A, everyone wanted to be the Treasurer – Certainly, it was the easiest job because they had no money. Later that year 8 athletic directors met in Binghamton and contributed ten dollars each and that became our total $80.00 dollar treasury.
In 1983 our first conference was held in Liverpool, near Syracuse and 190 were in attendance. Today, our Conference generally attracts over 300 administrators plus another 100 exhibitors.
Today, we again celebrate that 35 year old promise. We haven’t grown this organization by monumental leaps and events but more so by following a path of continual improvements.
The Bottom line is: … We see our achievements reflected in the faces and successes of every New York State student-athlete, coach and athletic administrator.
We believe that Triple A is one of the best State Associations for Athletic Administrators in the country, and this week’s exciting and intensive four day conference, is a time for teaching, learning, and inspiration. It is where you enhance your effectiveness and the Art of Athletic Administration.
To our new and recently hired athletic administrators. Don’t wait to be asked to accept a more active role in our association. Be proactive! Get off your seat and on to your feet and your unique talent and potential will be discovered and nurtured. You are our future leaders and together we will continue to make great things happen.
Thank you, and safe trip home.